Sunrise Alarm Pro

Privacy Policy

Data collected from the developer

The developer does not collect any user data.

Data collected from Google AdMob

This app uses Google AdMob to serve ads to users who have not purchased the Pro version. Google AdMob collects the following information from the app:

If you are interested in how AdMob collects and uses this data, please visit their website, which explains what information is collected in greater detail.

Help & Support

My alarm won't go off.

  1. Ensure location services and notifications are enabled for this app in your device's Settings.
  2. If your device is set to a Focus Mode, (e.g. Do Not Disturb), please add this app as an exception.
  3. If you sleep with the app open, ensure your volume is turned up so you can hear when the alarm goes off.

I bought Pro, then deleted the app. How can I get it back?

If you previously purchased Pro, you can restore your purchase by selecting the Settings button, then scrolling down and selecting the Restore Purchases button.

I want to report a bug, or I have a feature request.

Please shoot me an email!
